Hello! My name is


Frontend Developer

Frontend Web Developer/UI/UX designer with 1 month professional experience, and almost 1 year in school!

About Me

Frontend Web Developer & UI/UX Designer

A motivated frontend developer and designer, studying Computer Science in Wichita, KS. I was born and raised in Haven, KS, where I completed all of my schooling and moved to Wichita. From there, I started studying at WSU Tech, for Computer Science, Cloud Computing and IT Essentials. I am currently searching for a paid internship where I can showcase my skills and learn even more about to become a better developer!

More About

My Projects

Project Showcase

Javascript Name List Creator

This is a simple program, using JS that lets a user input a name, or multiple names, and it lists them in alphabetical order. The program also has a "Clear" function to clear the list!

View Repository

Python Measurement Calculator

This program simply reads input in a csv file, using a solver module, and is able to calculate the sum of the measurements as well, using pre determined equations for each shape class!

View Repository

Contact Me

If you are an employer, or simply someone who is dropping by, feel free to contact me, and let me know what you think of my page!

I am ALWAYS open to feedback and anything I can improve on, so now is the chance to get ahold of me, and let me know!